Bart White gave his first public reading in 2012 after writing poems for nearly a decade. He joined Just Poets of Greater Rochester, New York, helping to edit its annual anthology, Le Mot Juste, in …
Literary Reading – Karen Alpha
The Watkins Glen Writers Group presents a featured reading by Karen Alpha as part of the Watkins Glen Reading Series on Monday, August 25, 2014 7:00 PM at the Montour House Cafe & Tapas Bar at 401 …
Keeping the Writing Life
Sometimes, lots of times, really, writers tend to feel that we have lost the thread of that which keeps us together. Sometimes we call it writer’s block, sometimes resistance. Whatever name we might …
Passion–2nd Installment–Finding Time
I’ve mentioned this often—I’ve retired from my job at DSS. I want to tell you folks a little bit of how that feels. So that you know at least one person’s experience. I often wondered about it before …
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Passion–1st Installment
Life that felt like it was going at breakneck speed has suddenly slowed to a more familiar and comfortable trot. I believe I like this. I left my job at the Department of Social Services and retired …
My Most Significant Writing Inspiration
I’ve had to do some hard thinking about what it is that inspires me since the idea of dedicating an evening to the theme of inspiration first came to me as a topic for our open mic evening this month. …
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