The Watkins Glen Writers Group presents a featured reading by Alan Casline, poet, from Albany area, NY, as part of the Watkins Glen Reading Series on Monday, November 24, 7:00 PM at the Montour House Cafe & Tapas Bar at 401 W. Main St. Montour Falls, NY.
Poet Alan Casline is the editor of NORMANSKILL, a watershed anthology from the Normanskill watershed in New York State and is the editor of ROOTDRINKER, a long-standing magazine of watershed poetics, art, and nonfiction. As director of Rootdrinker Institute, his efforts include running open mics and special gatherings for poets, producing the RD Newsletter and using Benevolent Bird Press to publish the work of fellow writers and artists. He is co-founder and on-going chronicler of The Cloudburst Council, an annual poetics gathering held in the Finger Lakes watershed. He lives with his wife, Jennifer Pearce, in a suburban neighborhood outside of Albany, New York. An open reading will follow the featured reading after a short break.
This event is funded in part by Poets & Writers, Inc., with public funds from the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of Governor Andrew Cuomo and the New York State Legislature.
Event: Literary Reading Where: Montour House Cafe & Tapas Bar, 401 W. Main St.,Montour Falls, NY When: Monday, November 24th 2014, beginning at 6:00 pm