I am working on being organized, and my best tool has been the book, Mirror Reflections by Marla Cilley, best known as the Flylady. I’ve been using her suggested techniques for about a month now and have found them wonderfully helpful.
First, I must say that I have never been an organized person. After twenty some years of working outside the home, being a returning student, an earnest writer, leader of a writing group during that time, home organization has been on the bottom of my list. But I reached a point, in looking around, and seeing a lot of clutter around me, that I needed to do something to change. So the Flylady entered my life.
I’ve read many things about organization—the women’s magazines are filled with articles about it. The topic is obviously of great concern to people. However, the Flylady’s method appeals to someone like me—the not naturally organized person. I’ve been working at this for more than a month, establishing some routines, going against my basic nature, but am now finding the idea of getting rid of items every day, ideally 27 items, that I don’t really need or use or love, quite appealing. It might be almost addicting, but in the meantime, the excess items are disappearing and my house is beginning to look neater.
The basic premise is: You can’t organize clutter. Once that idea becomes ingrained, then the whole idea becomes appealing. My suggestion is: read her book, adopt her methods, it may just work for you.