The Watkins Glen Writers Group presents a featured reading by Cynthia G. Neale, who will be reading from her new works as part of the Watkins Glen Reading Series on Monday, May 23rd, 2016 at 7:00 PM at the Montour House Cafe & Tapas Bar at 401 W. Main St. Montour Falls, NY.
Cynthia G. Neale is a native of the Finger Lakes region of New York and currently resides in New Hampshire in an antique home. Ms. Neale is the author of Norah: The Making of an Irish-American Woman in 19th-Century New York and the young adult novels, The Irish Dresser, A Story of Hope during The Great Hunger (An Gorta Mor, 1845-1850) and Hope in New York City, The Continuing Story of The Irish Dresser. The Irish Milliner, her last novel in the series about Norah McCabe, is currently being considered for publication. Ms. Neale has also written a dessert and essay book, Pavlova in a Hat Box, Sweet Memories & Desserts. In addition to these works, Ms. Neale writes plays, screenplays, short stories, and essays. She holds a B.A. in Writing and Literature from Vermont College. Ms. Neale enjoys Irish set dancing, reading, painting, hiking, kayaking, creating events for food, dance, and fund raising,
Web Site:
Facebook: Pavlova in a Hat Box, Sweet Memories and Desserts
Facebook: Cynthia Neale and Norah: The Making of an Irish-American Woman in 19th-Century New York
Twitter: CynthiaNeale@cynthianeale7
Author’s Blog:
This event is funded in part by Poets & Writers, Inc., with public funds from the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of Governor Andrew Cuomo and the New York State Legislature.