The Watkins Glen Writers Group presents a featured reading by Beatrice O’Brien, poet, from Cohocton, NY, as part of the Watkins Glen Reading Series on Monday, March 23rd, 2015 7:00 PM at the Montour House Cafe & Tapas Bar at 401 W. Main St. Montour Falls, NY.
Beatrice O’Brien, a poet, of Cohocton, NY, is workshop leader and the director of Poets Theatre for over 20 years. Also she has been a volunteer leader of a Creative Writing Project for Veterans in rehab for 10 years, director of several Writer’s Groups, including the Writer’s Roundtable in Hornell, NY. Widely published both nationally and internationally, she is the winner of several awards, including a first for a national chapbook contest by Forum Press and several first place awards in small press journals.
She served as a US Navy Nurse, World War II, has been married to George O’Brien 69 years, and is the mother of six children. Beatrice is the author of ONE TRACK, a Railroad non-fiction narrative and several other books and chapbooks. Also, a collection of her poetry, EMBERS, has just been released by FootHills, EMBERS.
An open reading will follow the featured reading after a short break. This event is funded in part by Poets & Writers, Inc.